Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Freedom, I WILL fight for you!

Well here I am in 2013 and God is telling me, "this is your year to be set FREE Betty"! Honestly I just sighed as I finished typing that sentence. Why? Well because you don't just say, I am free and then all of a sudden you are free, there's work involved! I know, there shouldn't be, Christ came to set us free, he did the ultimate action, he did it ALL right? Oh wait, there is that one sneaky slimy enemy out there that works day and night on our insecurities, weaknesses of the flesh, pride, doubt and fears. Does this mean that this won't be my year? Am I hearing God wrong because it seems like we have to fight the enemy constantly. Sigh, or did he mean that this is your year to choose to live in FREEDOM, your year to not just lye down and let the devil tell you that you can't do this or that. To not just stand at the gate wanting so desperately to burst through but not feeling like you have any chance at all. You know the gate, the gate that is wrapped so thick with insecurity that you wonder why you those feelings of actually wanting to burst through it even came to your mind at all?
So this is my year!  I might not, all at once, run at full force and burst through every gate that I have allowed satan to stand guard at but this is my year to scream out in the Name of Jesus, I have the power to knock you down and then tackle it. I must first believe that I have the power in me. The Word says if we are Christians then Christ is in us. Sure, I have been saved and I have known that Christ lives in me but when facing those gates that hold me back, how much am I believing the part that says we have his power because he is in us? Believing is a choice and therefore if I believe in my heart and confess with my mouth and I am taking steps toward those gates. I must then tackle it by action, by doing what the Lord tells me to do, by hearing who He says that I am, by listening to His instructions and obeying Him.

Galatians 5:1

The Message (MSG)

The Life of Freedom

Christ has set us free to live a free life. So take your stand! Never again let anyone put a harness of slavery on you.

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