At my small group, which my church calls care groups, my friend told us about a book that she is reading where it has challenged her to pause and pray and give thanks every hour of the day. She brought this up because we are doing a church-wide study on a booked called, 30 Day Church Challenge. On one of the days, the book tells you to go outside and take a walk, study the markings on a tree, listen to the birds, just do something to embrace the beauty that the Lord has and still creates for us. Between Janine and this study, I am challenged to pause to see the beauty.
Somethings that I have seen beauty in lately:
I saw my 8yr bring tears of joy to a mourning widow yesterday by a drawing that she made.
I saw a lady that was treated unjust and bitter turn her response from, eye for an eye, to a compassionate prayer for the one that hurt her.
I saw my husband wink and smirk at me, my gosh at the times that I have not noticed those.
I saw a hurting sister looking out into a field, basking at it's beauty that her brother had seen in that very spot so many times.
I saw my mom weep with and comfort a mourning niece.
I saw a family put bitterness aside to smile and cry together.
I saw my son sitting next to me while I was having "my" time on facebook and noticed that he wanted HIS time with Mom.
I saw hurt in my son's eyes and instead of turning to anger, he came to receive comfort.
I saw two grandchildren sitting on the front row with their Papa, the pastor at church, I saw a legacy continuing.
I saw laughter and light in a man's eyes, a man that hasn't felt worthy of it in years.
I saw a man praising the Lord in worship, a man that used to not care, I saw a wife's answer to prayers.
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