Wednesday, March 28, 2012

what consumes me

Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is -- his good, pleasing and perfect will (Romans 12:2).
Having a teenage son seems like a war at times. Don't get me wrong, my son really is a good one, goodhearted, a giver, one who takes up for the underdog and many more notable traits. The waring that I am referring to comes mainly from obsessions that consumes his mind. It seems like if you take one away, it is easily replaced by another and then another. I can give scripture and wise counsel on how the lack of balance and self-control can entangle him, to find himself in a place that he would have never expected to be in.
I have been there myself, I have woken up and been so ashamed at the person that I let my bad choices mold me into. It doesn't always have to be BAD things that consumes us, it can be a simple thing like my photography, something that I love, something that God broke chains of freedom with. However, when that gets out of balance, I wake up and realize that my house is in ruins, my laundry is piled up, my husband feels neglected, my children are doing who knows what!!
Why is this? I think its a search most of the time. A fulfillment, something to fill my time, something to fill my confidence, someone to fill my ego and or neediness, and the list goes on. Why do we seek these things from anyone/thing other than God? Do we not believe what his word says? I can give counsel to my son because I can see how a phone can consume him, texting all day and night to one certain person. Yet, my own flesh justifies the things that consumes me!!!
How can I expect to be an example of balance, self-control and wisdom, if I am not listening to God and obeying him. It puts all things in perspective, when you ask the question, does THIS "thing/person" cause lack in areas of my life that should be my priority. Does this "thing/person" interfere with who/what God has called me to be and or do? It makes things like FACEBOOK seem to petty, why in the world would I let an internet social/drama/brag page cause me to ignore my loved ones, my role as a wife and my calling? Where is the balance, why am I seeking fulfillment from something like this? This isn't just about facebook, it's anything that causes distraction, that I allow to consume me.
God has spoken, yet again and I am thankful!!!

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