Monday, June 18, 2012

You are an overcomer!!

Luke 10:19
I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you.
   The encounters with my friend "Kelly" keeps happening. One of these happened last Thursday night I as I was waiting for my husband to come pull my Jeep out of this deep, deep, deep ditch and I will spare you the story about why it landed it a ditch. So I am standing there, in the country, in darkness and I get a notification that a call had been sent straight to my voice mail. I am not sure why the call didn't go through and I didn't see a missed call to see what number the voice mail came from. I listened to the voice mail and it was Kelly. She sounded distraught and scared. She called out my name & said that she needed help, then she hung up. I wasn't able to call her back. I knew that at the moment, all I could do was pray. I tried going to her house the following day but couldn't find it by the directions that she had given me during one of our other meetings.
   Sunday was Fathers day & even though we had already given Mike his gifts and celebrated the day, I had planned to come home after Church & spend the day with him. Olivia was riding home with Mike, Nick had left that morning for Texas, so I was riding home alone. I look over on the opposite side of the hwy & I saw Kelly. I knew that I had to turn around, I turned my Jeep around, pulled up next to her to see how she was doing. We spoke for a couple of minutes, then she agreed to get into my jeep to cool off. We talked about what she was doing (collecting rocks), why she called & needed me on Thursday and some heartbreaking issues with her family. I can't go into many details but it really broke my heart to hear her justify that certain people treat her badly, "because she is just crazy and a bad person". Talking to her yesterday was like talking to my old friend, she really made a lot of sense. I do know that there are two sides to the story but I remember some of the same issues from way back when she did live a normal life. She would burst out in tears at times while she talked about how she just wanted to be normal again, she just wanted to be able to buy her own groceries or to work (she has always been a hard worker). God kept pointing out wonderful things in her to me. I was able to say, Kelly, you are WISE in this area, you know your limits and are respecting them, Kelly, you are very creative & giving with what you build with your rock collections, Kelly, you DO have so much to give!!! Now, I am not naive, I DID hear things that Kelly had said and did to these caregivers that could have been handled a different way and I did point that out but that is just areas to grow in. I kept telling her that God wants to help her to live a normal life again, that she can manage  her bi-polar and depression disorders. It was like she was hearing this for the first time. She kept saying but they have had me committed, they call me crazy and say I am a burden. sigh.... Oh, Jesus...thank you for using me because I know this lady is your daughter and you care for her. I will also say that I do know what it is like to care for someone that at times takes over your lives and I am not here to bad mouth her caregivers, especially with not knowing the full story and I do know that Kelly can be stubborn at times too.
   Kelly mentioned that and argument had taken place with a caregiver because this person didn't buy the groceries that she needed, the cops were called and wrong things were said by both parties. She wasn't looking for a handout, she only wanted someone to hear her. I talked her into going to Kroger with me and I talked her into letting me get her the missing items that she needed. The only way that she allowed me to bless her by the groceries was that she had to pay me back, now I didn't want a dime back but she was firm in not allowing me to buy them, if  she couldn't pay me back. We had a great time, walking and talking. She kept saying that she was scared that she was talking too much. God kept telling me to tell her things like, you are blessing, your stories are blessings, I am having the best time with you today. When we checked out, I could see worry come across her face, she thought that she was making me do without, her total wasn't but 20.00. Gosh, I spend 20.00 on a spur of the moment trip to Sonic!! As we were putting the groceries up, I talked her into just coming over to my house one day to help me tiddy up or something, to pay me back and thankfully she agreed to that. This way, she would feel like she hasn't put me out and it would also help her feel needed.
   Kelly has a cute little house with 9 cats and 2 dogs but  you would never know it by the cleanliness or smell, I told you that she has always been a hard worker right? She pointed out things in her house that she had refurbished, things that had been thrown out. Seeing her home like this made me know that she can manage a lot more than she gets credit for. As I looked around, God kept bringing back to mind things that Kelly had said that day and I was able to bring these things to her, as encouragement. Things like: the reason that she walks on the hwy is not only for her health but because she picks up the trash and gets a stick to move the dead animals off of the road to show respect for her area and there are markers on the side of the road which gives her goals as to how far she has walked, she is careful of what she eats because certain foods can cause heart or weight gain, she knows that while she is walking to never take rides from others....things like this....a "crazy" person doesn't keep things like this in their daily routine. I left her encouraged, I left a friend that even though she still can't remember me from the past, she now trust me and believes that God working in her life.
   A few things to keep in mind for prayer:
Restoration with her caregivers, again I know how hard it must be for them. Pray that God will give them the mercy & grace to keep on and for God to show them the hope that he has for Kelly. Also that when I do talk to them, they will not feel like I am trying to control or to question their motives and decisions and that I do this at the right time. Pray for unity and restoration.
For her safety. The hwy that she travels is not a safe place to travel. The reason why she called last week was because a man had tried to talk her into getting into his car with him, she crossed the road and used a payphone to call me.
Pray that I will be able to set boundaries and to stay focused on the root of this & not it's symptoms. That God has put me into her life to help her walk into restoration of her life, to encourage her and to let God do the rest.

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