Tuesday, July 3, 2012

I am breaking that old record that keeps playing the same old song!

   I keep trying to justify reasons to not live a physical healthy lifestyle, when really it boils down to being stubborn. Months back, I blogged about learning to dance in life. I felt a strong word from the Lord about letting everything go so that I can dance through life with him but I have yet to let go of the one thing that causes me to hold back, my unhealthy eating habits. My excuses sound like a record that just plays over and over until you are so sick of hearing the same ole song! I have had some great intentions but the drive behind them doesn't push through more than a few days. It boils down to, "I want what I want", I have refused to allow the Lord to change my mind, to submit my will for his in this area of my life. Which I think, is probably the best definition for stubborness ever!
   For those of you that don't know my 7ry Olivia, she is an encourager, she wants everyone to be happy, to feel special and her heart just breaks when she sees someone that is down. She will tell me "Mom, you are so beautiful", even on days when I have been working in the garden and look a complete mess. When we go out and about, I can't tell you how many people that she gives compliments to, it could be how pretty their purse is or how awesome their finger nail polish is or if she sees a man holding the door for their spouse, she will say, "awe that is so sweet of you".
   God gave Olivia to me to raise up, to bring her up in the ways of the Lord, right? To help her avoid the ways of the world, to teach her to self control.... ***insert screeching train wheels that are being forced to stop, here*** this is where my stubborness shows its ugly head. There probably aren't many children that would choose to have self control if they were given the opportunity, this is where the parent steps in. You see, Olivia loves junk foods and sweets are at the top of her list. It is so much easier to say yes, Olivia, you can have a snack cake, instead saying no, lets go play outside because really, most of the time snacking is the result of being bored right?
   Olivia also loves quality time, she loves being on a team or having a partner to do things with. She is my walking buddy, not that we are are walking now but when I have tried to get refocused on good habits, she is right along beside me. She is one that will encourage you to keep on doing what is right, which is really why I haven't let the words "lets do this together" come out of my mouth. I knew that she would not relent, even to the point of it hurting her feelings.
   Honestly, there is a temptation to team up with her, how much more accountable could I get than the guilt of a child...right? I would never put that on her though. I also don't want to keep training her how to eat unhealthy.  I have to be her leader, I have to give wise instructions, I have to help guide her and I need to motivate her as much as she would me! I am accountable for how I raise her because she will reap the consequences for my lack of self control. I will pass my battle right down to her if I do not choose to submit to the Lord in this area.
   I keep thinking of the verse, Philippians 4:13 I CAN do all things in Christ who gives me strength. The word CAN is the key word in that verse to me. It really becomes a question of AM going to do or Will do, right? It's like I CAN conquer this unhealthy lifestyle because Christ has given me the strength but there must be more action on my part, I have to "do" I can't just sit back & say that I CAN do it, I MUST do it right? Honestly, my "want to" isn't very strong right now.
   Lord, I have started on this journey so many times and honestly I am not starting out feeling like I can defeat this battle, I am sitting here feeling like "am I trying again". Lord you know my heart, you know that my flesh is weak, you know that there is no way that I can do this without you, you know that this will be a minute by minute battle for me. Lord help me to choose life, help me to flee from what is harmful. Conform my mind....





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